The release of the landmark ‘State of the Nation – A Report into Melanoma – A National Health Priority’ which was co-commissioned by Melanoma Patients Australia and Melanoma Institute Australia and delivered by Insight Economics shines a long overdue light on Australia’s third most common cancer, melanoma.
The time is now to help us shine a spotlight on melanoma especially with Government and to ensure that patients and carers get the support that they need and deserve.
We urgently need your help. The report identifies a range of urgent actions and the need for a coordinated approach by all levels of Governments to improve the quality of life and survival outcomes for people affected by melanoma. 2022 is a federal election year and is a critical time to push for Government support to improve the support and care services that are available for melanoma patients and their families.
MPA’s Spotlight on Melanoma Five Point Action Plan spotlights the key actions to overcome patient support and advocacy issues identified in the ‘State of the Nation – A Report into Melanoma – A National Health Priority’ and to ensure that no one affected by melanoma walks alone.
Please consider writing to your local Federal Member of Parliament and the Federal Health Minister to share your personal story and to ask for support. We have developed a toolkit which includes helpful template letters and ‘how to guides’ as well as links to make it easy to identify your Federal MP.
Your State and Territory MP’s also play an important role in influencing health policy in your area and we also encourage you to brief them on the campaign and to write to your State or Territory Minister for Health. To tackle the issues, will require all levels of Government to work together.
Thank you for taking the time to become involved on behalf of everyone affected by Melanoma across Australia.
Together we can all make a difference!