Karen’s husband David was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma. “David’s story began with a tick on his neck. He thought he had another one, but I found a tiny mole instead. I suggested he get it looked at. As I thought it looked different, the GP decided to biopsy it, even though she didn’t think it looked ‘bad’. The next morning, we got a phone call – it was melanoma.”
I was diagnosed with early stage melanoma in 2014. Eight years later, after experiencing pain in my hip, tests confirmed I had stage 4 melanoma.
Emma was diagnosed in 2020 with stage 2 melanoma after getting a mole on her arm checked that has been there for 15 years. This is her story.
If possible use family members to help with appointments, cooking and some housework. If they can stay at your house, use that time to do the things that fill your cup and recharge your energy. Socialising is very important.
I had been asking for someone to take notice of the mole on my arm for a few years. But as it wasn’t black I kept getting told that it was nothing to worry about. But I knew something wasn’t right and didn’t give up.
My sister was supportive from day one, as was one of my brothers. My other two brothers hardly reacted at all – as if it was just not happening, or happening to a complete stranger.