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National Melanoma Support Line:
1300 884 450
Two hands hold lovingly, one has a silver wedding band on

About Melanoma

National Melanoma Support Line:
1300 884 450
Two hands hold lovingly, one has a silver wedding band on
MPA / MIA Community Webinar 2024: Melanoma in situ explained: A patient’s guide to living well
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Patient Stories

Melanoma Patients Australia provides support across Australia to those with melanoma, their families, friends and carers, all at no charge.

MPA Patient Story - Hannah


I am 23 years old and a nurse and a midwife. I really struggled with constantly being reminded how young I am. I still remember going to my first oncologist appointment and having the receptionist say “Oh! You’re too young to be here!”
Hannah's story


When I found out about my husbands' diagnosis, I felt deeply shocked and completely devastated. My focus was on our 2-year-old twin boys and my husband. My instinct was to immediately find James the best care and educate myself so I could make informed decisions.
Nicola's story
MPA Patient Story - Shane Wood

Shane Wood

I have learnt a lot in such a short 6 months… my motto is “I can control my emotions, but I can’t control outcomes. “I have implanted that thought into my brain and it has really helped not to be scared and worry about what if’s? Outcomes will be outcomes and me worrying about outcomes is not going to change what may or may not happen.
Shane's story
MPA Patient Story - Carol Saunders standing at lookout with view of water behind

Carol Saunders

Two weeks before taking my 90-year-old father to China in October 2019, I felt a lump in my neck and mentioned it to my doctor when I went to get my certificate of medication to take with me on my holiday.
Carol's story
MPA Patient Story - Gaylene Bayfield smiling at the camera

Gaylene Bayfield

This all happened during the beginning of Covid, our home was rented out, we could not travel in our little motor home and I could not wash myself, prepare meals and most other things we take for granted.
Gaylene's story
MPA Patient Story - Clara Cameron and a man standing at a sign with ocean in the background

Clara Cameron

I had a mole on my leg that had actually been bothering me for years, and a couple of colleagues had had a look at it and thought not to worry.
Clara's story

Got a story you’d like to share?

Sharing your story can help to spread awareness and offer support to Melanoma patients and families. Would you like to share your story with us?
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