
Get Involved

National Melanoma Support Line:
1300 884 450
Two hands hold lovingly, one has a silver wedding band on

About Melanoma

National Melanoma Support Line:
1300 884 450
Two hands hold lovingly, one has a silver wedding band on
MPA / MIA Community Webinar 2024: Melanoma in situ explained: A patient’s guide to living well
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“Touched by Melanoma” is a one month-long initiative where we will be sharing patient and carer stories from people who have all been touched by melanoma in different ways.

Emma was diagnosed in 2020 with stage 2 melanoma after getting a mole on her arm checked that has been there for 15 years. This is her story.

Got a story you’d like to share?

Sharing your story can help to spread awareness and offer support to Melanoma patients and families. Would you like to share your story with us?
Share your story